Intro - Hello my name is Tamás Gyermán, I am interested in sci-fi since my childhood, I love spaceships, creatures and all kind of fantasy stuff. The Final Picture shows the "Primaterans" a civilization that prefers the dark corners of the galaxy, whilst hiding from their enemies until their armada is strong enough to destroy them all.
My idea was to create a Scene that shows a part of the "Primaterans" World, the idea was to create a huge blue Planet in a dust cloud with meteor field and ships. This Picture was created from scratch, no concept-sketches or any kind of references where used, just my imagination.
Creation: The Starfield was the first thing that I’ve created, it's build up of many smaller images, and then I put in the perspective lines over it

The Scene is splitted in three main parts, foreground, background and the middle region, each part has a different colorspecification. After setting up the perspective lines i've started Modeling the first Ship, as you can see on the pictures i'm using basic objects like Cylinders and Cubes in combination with the Extrude function.
I always begin by creating the body of the ship, (basic body-form) later on I create smaller things like the propulsion or the weapons.
By using the "Knife-Tool" I slice new areas to existing polygon objects; it's a simple method to create a well detailed model. Each of the Ships is done in this way; the models are looking massively rather than modern designed ships.
After finishing all the models I started to create the textures. I used three kinds of textures: Diffuse, specular and Bump-maps. The Diffuse-Channel is a combination of a Metal texture and a Procedural Cloud (to achieve a dirt-looking metal).
The Specular-Channel contains a Colored Version of the diffuse texture; it's smoother than the original texture and has no detailed parts compared to the helmet.
I've used several projection modes in combination with the Selection-Tag. UV-Projection for the bigger objects and Cube-Projection for the smaller one. Lighting Parts or other textured Surfaces had a different Selection.
After finishing the textures I was working on a light-setup, with- and without textures. Because of the high poly count I had to render each ship separately, that means each ship is a single C4D-File.
Only the Light-Setup is the same but I have to take care with the ships angle, and the Sun position. I've used a Main Light (acting as the Sun) for the Light-Setup and 3 Infinite-Lights with Sun Mode, furthermore there are light-sources in front of the ship and on the left- and right side of the Ship.
The Ships were rendered to PNG with Alpha-Channel, in the render-settings I’ve used Global Illumination and Ambient Occlusion, GI is in the RAW File, AO in a different layer.
The dongle tool was used to delete the not needed AO Parts and to brighten the window areas of the Ship, the glow effect is "hand-drawn" it's just another layer that i've put over the original ship image, I drew it with an Alpha-Brush. The booster engines were done the same way.
After finishing the first Ship in the final scene, i started too built up the composition. First of all I’ve taken a high-res Globe and cloud picture, after that I’ve placed some fog over it, simply by combining the "visible light" (hand drawn fog) with some noise, comets were also needed. The Nebula parts were added later on into the Picture to highlight the ships from the background.
The Globe was placed on the opposite side of the ship direction, the sun beams were placed behind the globe, the atmosphere of the globe was done by simply drawing some areas with an Alpha Brush, i've blurred out the globe edges to achieve a more realistic atmosphere.
I had to do a lot of color corrections to get a more bluish / greenish globe surface. I've duplicated this layer and lowered the intension to use it as a cloud layer, and then I duplicated it again and twisted it a little bit, to get the clouds appearing on some other areas, some areas were faded out, to achieve a more realistic look (higher and lower cloud layers).
After this step the half of the Image was done, then I’ve started to create more ships, first I modeled 2 bigger ships, took them in position, rendered them and put them into the final image as a Triangle Formation. The fighter ships were duplicated and placed to 3 different layers and blurred some of the ships out.
The fighter booster line is simply a Alpha Brush, formed with the Smudge Tool. There is also a "Spiral-Formation", to get a better feel of the "space" among the ships. The ships on the Left side are in the same Formation, targeting the left arm of the Space Station. The rear part is an "expletive-part" consisting of the comets, the base ship and the two "resource-carriers". They are in free position aiming the Meteors
After this step, i've create some clouds that are covering the ships and the Atmosphere, the nebule parts were mixed with the clouds to create some new looking clouds.

I've used some correction-layer to reach this environment colors and feelings. They are looking similar, but there are some differences.

Finally i got a lens effect, my logo and the up / down border.

A few words about this picture: The Ships you see in this picture are the ships of my Nation, called the Primateran, I’m going to create a similar battle scene, where i want to introduce the Primaterans ultimate enemy. For now I have ideas and sooner or later I’m going to model something.

I've used some correction-layer to reach this environment colors and feelings. They are looking similar, but there are some differences.

Finally i got a lens effect, my logo and the up / down border.

A few words about this picture: The Ships you see in this picture are the ships of my Nation, called the Primateran, I’m going to create a similar battle scene, where i want to introduce the Primaterans ultimate enemy. For now I have ideas and sooner or later I’m going to model something.